Size Matters: The Best Reasons To Choose A Small Business
These days, you can find anything you want online – not just quickly, but cheaply. Want a new website? Dozens
Does Christmas shopping get you down? Are you sick of socks?!
As lovely as it can be to browse the shelves looking for inspiration, sometimes we end up in a present-buying rut. After another difficult year for so many, lots of people are looking for alternative Christmas gifts and here at Little Bird HQ, we have a few ideas to get you started.
So, pour yourself a mulled wine and prepare to mull over our alternative Christmas gift list!
It’s been a tough two years for museums, but there has been an incredible effort happening behind the scenes to keep these vital institutions accessible even during lockdown, with everything from virtual tours to online learning programmes. Once reopening was a possibility, enormous work went into making museums as Covid-safe as possible, through the use of signage, one-way systems and hand-gel stations. This was a costly process, particularly for smaller organisations, some of which are entirely volunteer-led.
Museums have an almost unique ability to create a sense of community by celebrating our collective history and heritage. Supporting a local museum through a donation – or by purchasing an item from a museum gift shop – is a great way to ensure we keep them open and able to do their important work for many years to come.
Did we mention we recently redesigned the Tavistock Museum website? Why not start there, if you feel like browsing a museum gift shop for Christmas ideas this year?
When I was leaving secondary school, I vividly remember a friend writing in my leavers’ book: “The future depends on trees.”
Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus play a huge role in tackling climate change. They can also help to prevent floods and of course, they provide food and shelter for thousands of species of wildlife. What better gift to give someone you care for, than something to protect our planet and its inhabitants?!
Visit The National Trust for more information.
It’s a well-documented fact that the Arts were hit hard by the pandemic, with musicians cancelling tours, theatres plunged into darkness and choirs unable to rehearse. Now, as we continue to safely enjoy live events again, it’s vital to lend our support to this sector, particularly to the local drama groups, production companies and event organisers who have worked so hard to bring the Arts back to your area. So, if you feel safe to do so, why not buy a ticket for a play, or go to see a choir perform some of the songs they learned during lockdown? You’ll have a fun evening out and you’ll be supporting your local creatives!
Most areas will have a “What’s On” page on Facebook, plus In Your Area is a handy website for finding things to do near you.
Okay, so it might be a little late for this Christmas, but this is definitely one to think about for next year!
From January 2022, Little Bird Creative are proud to be launching a new service: we’ll take your child’s drawings and create a gorgeous work of art – a printed poster (framed or unframed) or a canvas – to hang on your wall in pride of place! Send us a list of your child’s favourite things, special words, names or sayings and we’ll also create a bespoke poem as part of the artwork. Email us for more information.
We all know that one of the best gifts we can truly give is our time, particularly as we all live such hectic lives. Therefore, why not donate some time to a local project or charity, if not for Christmas, then in the new year? There are some amazing CICs and charitable organisations across the UK, doing everything from feeding the homeless, to caring for abandoned pets. Whatever your interests are, there’s bound to be a group nearby that you could get involved with. It might just change your life!
The Charity Choice website has a function to search either by the type of charity you want to help, or by the region of the UK you’re based in.
Whatever you decide to give your family and friends this Christmas, we hope you have a safe and very merry time. And no matter what your plans for 2022 entail, Little Bird Creative are on hand offering everything from graphic design and videography, to copywriting and bespoke illustration, so please do get in touch if we can help!
These days, you can find anything you want online – not just quickly, but cheaply. Want a new website? Dozens
Ever had one of those days where all it takes is one person saying the wrong thing to totally push you over the edge? What about the reverse, where a kind word turns your mood around completely? The tone we take with others – and they with us – has a far greater impact than we might think. But what about your organisation’s tone of voice?
We’ve talked about the value of using video in your marketing plenty of times before but we’re usually the ones behind the camera, as well as doing the editing.
Whilst most of us are aware that creating legal policies or setting up mass production might be best left to the experts, we often tell ourselves that when it comes to designing flyers to advertise our organisation, or creating a logo for our new business, we can definitely do that ourselves. After all, how hard can it be?!