Size Matters: The Best Reasons To Choose A Small Business
These days, you can find anything you want online – not just quickly, but cheaply. Want a new website? Dozens
You may not know it, but it was music that brought the Little Bird Creative duo together!
We met for the first time at a chorus rehearsal and bonded over our love of singing. In fact, when Little Bird Creative became a “thing,” amateur choruses were some of our very first clients. We know how vital music is and our passion and personal experience are poured into every project we take on.
So, just why is music so important and what makes Little Bird Creative the ideal design agency to work with your music group?
Music – whether you’re listening to it or creating it – is proven to be good for you. Not only is music a known stress reliever, but being involved in it can improve your memory and even boost your heart health.
The mental health benefits of music are so well known that healthcare professionals have linked up with those working in the Arts to create a “social prescribing” programme, where patients are encouraged to join music groups to tackle issues such as depression, anxiety and loneliness. Music is even used in nursing homes to help patients with memory loss.
Earlier this year, Little Bird Creative were proud to join forces with More Harmony Women’s Barbershop Chorus for Mental Health Awareness Week, creating a series of bespoke illustrations to be shared across social media, explaining the many benefits of singing (one such image can be seen on the left). We even created an animated video, bringing the illustrations to life, which you can watch here.
Hans Christian Anderson hit the nail on the head with the above quote! Most of us can think of a moment when a song has somehow expressed exactly what we’ve been thinking, even if we didn’t realise we were thinking it…
Music has the power to soothe, it gives us a safe outlet for our frustrations and it soundtracks our best – and worst – moments. It’s no wonder that being involved in the creation of music therefore feels so powerful. When you’re writing a song, singing an arrangement in harmony or playing an instrument, you never know the effect you may be having on the listener. In the words of singer-songwriter Billy Joel, “Musicians want to be the loud voice for so many quiet hearts.”
The beauty of music is that this gift of expression is available to people from all social and cultural backgrounds and to people of all abilities.
Music has the power to bring people together. It’s a bit of a cliché to refer to it as the world’s “universal language,” but it’s true! Wherever you go, music is a constant. The style might change, but its effects remain the same.
One of the reasons we love working with music groups is because we know from personal experience how it unites people, creating a sense of community for all those who take part. This is often one of the biggest selling points for choirs and music groups; that sense of camaraderie that comes from working together to create something beautiful is something money can’t buy!
We understand how incredibly special that sense of togetherness is. From the moment we put on our chorus uniform, ready to sing, we become part of something bigger than ourselves and that is a powerful sensation. We understand that everything music groups do needs to have that sense of cohesion at its heart. Even something as seemingly simple as your logo is hugely important for creating that sense of being a team; it needs to sum up what you’re about and every member of your group needs to feel able to wear it with pride!
Little Bird Creative have helped create eye-catching logos for music groups and we love to see them appearing on everything from posters and costumes to merchandise!
Hopefully, it should be obvious that we love music and that we’re particularly fond of working with music groups! But just what can we offer you?
For a no-obligation chat, please feel free to get in touch and find out how Little Bird Creative can help your music group hit the high notes!
These days, you can find anything you want online – not just quickly, but cheaply. Want a new website? Dozens
Ever had one of those days where all it takes is one person saying the wrong thing to totally push you over the edge? What about the reverse, where a kind word turns your mood around completely? The tone we take with others – and they with us – has a far greater impact than we might think. But what about your organisation’s tone of voice?
We’ve talked about the value of using video in your marketing plenty of times before but we’re usually the ones behind the camera, as well as doing the editing.
Whilst most of us are aware that creating legal policies or setting up mass production might be best left to the experts, we often tell ourselves that when it comes to designing flyers to advertise our organisation, or creating a logo for our new business, we can definitely do that ourselves. After all, how hard can it be?!