It’s Women’s History Month – This is How We Accelerate Action!
This women’s history month, we thought we’d take a look at some of the ways we try to accelerate action – both at work and beyond!
So, what do we mean by spring cleaning? Well, let’s answer that with another question: when did you last give your website or social media a bit of a refresh?
We all know that having an online presence is key to spreading the word about what you do, but in today’s fast-moving world, a website that looked cutting-edge when it launched can quickly become dated.
And it’s not just about the visuals – often, people put a lot of time and effort into setting up a great website, only to become too busy to update the information on there, should things change. If you’re not careful, you can end up with a website that’s anything from old-fashioned looking to downright confusing – like the site we visited recently that still had “we’re excited for the upcoming 2021 season” in big, bold lettering at the top of the homepage…
Whether it’s a full revamp to bring the look, speed and functionality of your website completely up to date, or whether you’re simply looking to add monthly blog content or news stories to stop the site from becoming too static, now is the perfect time to give your online presence a little extra sparkle.
Of course, we fully understand that running your business or organisation is the most important thing of all. So, if you don’t have time to stay on top of your website, why not let us give it a spring clean for you?! And we don’t just do websites…
It’s not just your website that needs to be kept regularly updated. When someone is searching for a new restaurant to try, a place to take the kids or even an artisan creator to help them produce a special gift for a loved one, more often than not, the first thing they do is search online. That means that not only does your website come up, but your social channels do, too!
Whilst we know how time-consuming it can be to come up with constant content for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other channel your organisation may use, we also know how important it is. After all, if someone visits your Twitter page and sees that there’s been nothing new posted since 2019, they may (wrongly) assume that your organisation has closed down and move on to the next suggestion in the search results.
Little Bird Creative are proud to produce eye-catching, informative content for several clients, such as The Six Metre Archive and More Harmony Women’s Barbershop Chorus. Having your social media content created for you means you’re free to get on with doing what you do best, knowing that if your organisation pops up in someone’s search results, you can rest assured that what they find is going to be bang-up to date.
Speaking of which… How’s your logo looking?!
A logo is another one of those things that might need a bit of a “spring clean.” Whilst it’s not something you want to change too regularly (brand awareness is vital and your logo should be something that people come to recognise!), it is important to keep it up to date. A logo designed many years ago, for example, may only be available in file formats that don’t show it in its best light anymore.
We’ve seen many logos over the years that may have once looked eye-catching and impressive, but which were designed and saved in just one file format – so they look great in print, but turn into a blurry, pixelated mess on screen. Sometimes the opposite is true and it’s only when a logo is seen in print that you realise it simply doesn’t “pop” the way it should. By tracing your original logo, we can bring it up to date, creating several file types specifically for different purposes, be it for use online, on business cards or in a full-page print advert. We can modernise the colours or font choice, or if the time has come for a new look altogether, we can design you something from scratch. Your logo often becomes the “face” of your brand, so it must be fresh and vibrant in all formats.
Of course, “spring cleaning” doesn’t just mean updating what you already have. It could mean starting a whole new service or giving your organisation a kick-start by running an advertising campaign. Whether you’re looking to branch out into YouTube videos to take visitors or customers behind the scenes or podcasts to share in-depth content about what you do, our editing services are here to help. Whatever you’re looking to spruce up this spring, why not drop us a line and let us take the stress out of your hands?
As you might have guessed, we’re pretty passionate about helping clients keep their online presence updated and their logos and print publicity materials fresh. We know, however, that your business is your pride and joy and sometimes, you just want to do it yourself! Well, we can help with that, too…
Little Bird To Go will be launching later this year, having been slightly delayed (we’ve been lucky enough to have been very busy with clients and we don’t want To Go to come out until we’ve had the time to ensure it’s perfect!). We’ll have two tiers of toolkit available, giving you everything you need to run your social media, from bespoke, customisable templates to ensure your content is always eye-catching, to an in-depth guide on making the most out of your online presence, with tips on everything from accessibility to scheduling. You’ll also get specially designed profile images and banners for the social media channels of your choice.
The higher tier toolkit will even feature a brand new logo and branding designed by us to bring you right up to date! We’re really excited to launch our To Go service, so keep your eyes peeled…
In the meantime, good luck with any “spring cleaning” you’re doing and remember – if you need a hand, we’re always ready to “spring” into action!
This women’s history month, we thought we’d take a look at some of the ways we try to accelerate action – both at work and beyond!
New year, new start! Now’s the time to get thinking about giving your website a revamp, changing up your promotional campaigns or starting over from scratch!
Illustration is all around us – especially at Christmas! What better time to delve into the wonderful world of illustration and share some of our favourites?!
Recently, Little Bird Emma had a video editing job that took her all the way to Italy! Here, she tells us all about it…